Wednesday, November 24, 2010

first day - second blog

over zealous people tend to give me a headache. this was my first thought when deciding to write a second blog on my first day in the world of blogging. I, quite frankly don't have much of a place in the blogging world. My grammar for one thing in terrible and I put commas where I pause in sentences, not necessary where the sentence deserves a pause. I do have a lot of opinions about a lot of things, but my opinions are commonly those types of opinions that offend people, so i like to keep them to myself in most public arenas. A friend of my blogs and she explained to me that it is the perfect way to say all the shit you want to say that you cannot say in public. Because what I have learned is that even though most people are thinking all the same shit as me, it is not publicly kosher to say it out loud.
so posting a second blog in one day, quite frankly another post within the same hour, got me thinking about how much of a headache I get just by thinking about over excited people. The truth about these people is I wish I was one. But waking up in the morning makes me tired. I am more tired by eight in the morning than most people I know are at eight at night. (eight at night, forget about it I am practically a zombie) People with massive amounts of energy make me even more tired. Where do they get all of that energy. They must be on something right? No one can be that happy and ready to go all the time.
What are they taking? Where can I get it? Why hasn't the FDA outlawed it?
These energetic people tend to get things done. They are not the procrastinators of the world. My philosophy is do what I have to do. The rest can be put off until I'm too old to do anything but learn how to knit, or take up some other wonderful hobby that I would love to be able to say that I have.
I go out and buy the craft items sure, I sit with the yarn and needles and pretend like i am actually going to learn how to do something with  my time. But do I, no i dont. I sit and watch another episode of Will and Grace, or the latest in MTV teen trash.
This is my life, doing what needs to be done everyday. Spending my free time vegging by a television and going to bed.
Where do these go getters get the stamina to do the above and beyond.
If you know what they are taking, please let me know.
until then,
lets just keep on trying to sneeze with our eyes open

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